Picture | Title | Ship from | Ship from | Ship from |
| Illustrated BSA Buyer's Guide by Roy Bacon
| Goldie : the development history of the Gold Star BSA by A. Golland
| Not available from Canada
| The giants of Small Heath : the history of BSA by Barry Ryerson
| Not available from Canada
| Triumph and BSA Triples by Mick Duckworth
| BSA Bantam by J. R. Clew
| Not available from Canada
| BSA : Illustrated Motorcycle Legends (The Illustrator Motorcycle Legends) by Roy Bacon
| BSA A7 & A10 twins by Owen Wright
| The book of the B.S.A (groups B. and M.): a practical guide on the handling and maintenance of all 1955 to 1967 fourstroke O.H.V. singles, except all 250 c.c., "Gold Star" and B44 "Victor" models by W. C. Haycraft
| Not available from Canada
| BSA Motor Cycles : Since 1950 by Steve Wilson
| Not available from Canada
| BSA M20 and M21 (Super Profile Series) by Owen Wright
| Not available from Canada
| BSA service--repair handbook : all 500 & 650cc unit construction twins by Brick Price
| Not available from Canada
| Not available from UK |
| BSA : Competition History by Norman Vanhouse
| BSA Gold Star Super Profile by John Gardner
| Not available from Canada
| Clymer Vintage British Street Bikes
| Chilton's new repair and tune-up guide: BSA
| Not available from Canada
| Clymer BSA 500 & 650cc Unit Twins 1963-1972, Norton 750 & 850cc Commandos 1969-1975, Triumph 500-750cc Twins 1963-1979