The Honda Z50R'79 Mini Trail bike was sold in 1979. Like the
previous two years of the Z50A models, it was available in the one color:
Tahitian Red. The fuel tank now has just the word "HONDA" and a flying
wing above it. Also the fuel tank itself had a new shape: the rear part was
tapered down to look like the tank from a larger bike. The chain guard was
black. There was no number plate on the left side. The chain guard was
chrome but the fenders are painted red. The grips were black and the
plastic levers were silver aluminum. The tired OHV engine of the Z50A
was replaced with a stronger 49cc OHC single cylinder. It had a 3-speed
transmission with an automatic clutch. The ignition used points. The
exhaust pipe now went to the left side of the bike rather than on the right.
There is no number plate on the right side. Unlike the following years,
there is no logo on the side of the saddle. The serial number began
The Honda Z50R'80 Mini Trail bike was sold in 1980. Like the
previous year, it was available in the one color: Tahitian Red. The
fuel tank has the word "HONDA" and a flying wing above it. The number
plates on both the left and right side had the decal "50R" on them. The
chain guard was chrome but the fenders were painted red. The grips were
black and the plastic levers were silver aluminum. The engine was a 49cc
OHC single cylinder. It had a 3-speed transmission with an automatic
clutch. The saddle had a red "Z" on each side. The serial number began
The Honda Z50R'81 Mini Trail bike was sold in 1981. Like the
previous year, it was available in the one color: Tahitian Red. The
fuel tank has the word "HONDA" and a flying wing above it. The number
plates on both the left and right side had a larger decal "50R" on them. The
chain guard was chrome but the fenders were painted red. The grips were
black and the plastic levers were silver
aluminum. The engine was a 49cc OHC single cylinder. It had a 3-speed
transmission with an automatic clutch. The saddle had a red "Z" on each
side. The serial number began JH2AB0200BS200001.
The Honda Z50R'82 Mini Trail bike was sold in 1982. Finally
the Tahitian Red was replaced with another color: Blaze Red. The
fuel tank has the word "HONDA" and a flying wing above it. The number
plates on both the left and right side were white with a red "Z" on them.
The chain guard was chrome but the fenders were painted red. The grips
were black and the plastic levers were silver aluminum. The engine was a
49cc OHC single cylinder. It had a 3-speed transmission with an automatic
clutch. The saddle had a white "50R" on each side. The serial number
began JH2AB0207CS300002.
The Honda Z50R'83 Mini Trail bike was sold in 1983.
One color was available: Blaze Red. The black solo seat had a white "Z"
graphic letter. The number plates were yellow with a white "50R" decals.
The serial number began JH2AB0204DS400012.
| The Honda Z50R'84 Mini Trail bike was sold in 1984.
One color was still available: Blaze Red. The blue solo seat had a white
"Z" graphic letter. The number plates were yellow with a white "50R"
decals. The shock springs were red.
Engine: 49cc OHC four-stroke, 2-valve, single cylinder
Control: Adjustable throttle stop
Transmission: Three-speed with automatic clutch
Suspension: Full suspension front and rear
Wheelbase: 895mm (35.2 in.)
Dry weight: 49.5 kg (109.1 lb)
Seat height: 575mm (22.6 in.)
The serial number began JH2AB0204ES500001.
The Honda Z50R'85 Mini Trail bike was sold in 1985.
One color was still available: Blaze Red. The blue solo seat had a white
"Z" graphic letter. The number plates were yellow with no decals. The
wing decal was red, white, and blue. The shock springs were blue. The
serial number began JH2AB0209FS600001.
The Honda Z50RD'86 Special was sold in 1986. One color was
still available: Chrome. All the steel parts were chrome plated. The seat
and grips were red. The number plates were white. The wing decal was
red, white, and blue. The serial number began JH2AB0203GS700001.
The Honda Z50R'86 bike was sold in 1986. One color was still
available: Blaze Red. The red solo seat had a white "Z" graphic letter. The
number plates were white with no decals. The wing decal was red, white,
and blue. The wheels were painted gold. The serial number began
The Honda Z50R'87 bike was sold in 1987. One color was still
available: Blaze Red; but now the frame, fenders and shock springs were
Shasta White. The red solo seat had a white "Z" graphic letter. The number
plates were red with no decals. The wing decal was red, white, and blue.
The wheels were painted gold. The serial number began
The Honda Z50R'88 bike was sold in 1988. One color was still
available: Blaze Red; but the frame, fenders, shock springs, number plates,
and wheels were Shasta White. The number plate changed from an oval to
a trapezoid. The solo seat had the word "HONDA" and the tank had a
large "Z" with the number "50R" beneath it. a white "Z" graphic letter. The
number plates were red with no decals. The wing decal was red, white, and
blue. Finally the ignition used a CD. The serial number began
The Honda ZB50'88 bike was sold in 1988. It was black with
Max Silver Metallic. The fuel tank, fenders, and fork legs were black; the
frame and swing arm were silver. The seat, "ZB" logo, and wheels were
red. The engine was a 49cc OHC single with a 3-speed transmission and
automatic clutch. The serial number began JH2AB2205JS000001.
The Honda Z50R'89 bike was sold in 1989. One color was still
available: Blaze Red; but the frame, number plates, and wheels were Shasta
White. The fuel tank, seat, front and rear fenders were red. The solo seat
had the letter "Z" logo. There was a new style wing logo on the tank. The
serial number began JH2AB020*KS000001.
The Honda Z50R'91 bike was sold in 1991. The primary color
was now Shasta White, although the seat was still red with a red "50R"
logo on a white graphic background. The "HONDA" logo and number
plate panel were blue. The large "Z" logo was red and blue. The serial
number began JH2AB020*MS000004.
The Honda Z50R'92 bike was sold in 1992. The primary color
was Shasta White, although the seat was still red with a white "50R" logo.
The fuel tank wing logo was deleted. The "HONDA" logo and number
plate panel were blue. The large "Z" logo was red and blue. The serial
number began JH2AB020*NK100001.
The Honda Z50R'93 bike was sold in 1993. The primary color
was Shasta White. The tank logo reads "Z50R" and the "HONDA" seat
logo was white. The serial number began JH2AB020*PK200001.
The Honda Z50R'94 bike was sold in 1994. The primary color
was Shasta White. The XR style graphics "50R" on the seat was white. The
fuel tank logo reads "Z" (blue) and "HONDA" (red). The serial number
began JH2AB020*RK300001.
The Honda Z50R'95 bike was sold in 1995. The primary color
was Shasta White. The fuel tank logo "Z" was red and the logo "HONDA"
was purple along with the outline. The serial number began
The Honda Z50R'96 bike was sold in 1996. The primary color
was Shasta White. The fuel tank logo was redesigned. The serial number
began JH2AB020*TK500001.
The Honda Z50R'97 bike was sold in 1997. The primary color
was Shasta White. The number plate was now white. The fuel tank logo
was redesigned with new color: black, white, and red. The serial number
began JH2AB020*VK600001.
The Honda Z50R'98 bike was sold in 1998. The primary color
was Shasta White. The "50R" logo on the seat was black. The fuel tank
logo was redesigned to include a yellow Honda wing logo. The serial
number began JH2AB020*WK700001.