 | The Honda CR500R'84 descended from a long line of Elsinores,although it was not called by that name. It was sold in 1984. One colorwas available: Flash Red. The number plate panels were yellow, the seatwas blue, the fork boots were black, and the wheel rims were silver. Itused a round-slide carburetor and had a rear drum brake. The engine was a491cc 2-stroke air-cooled reed valve single. The transmission was a5-speed. Engine: Two-stroke 491cc Power: 58 hp Brakes: Drilled front disc Suspension: Pro-Link rear suspension Wheelbase: 1490mm (58.6 in.) Dry weight: 102 kg (224.8 lb) Seat height: 960mm (37.8 in.) Front wheel travel: 305mm (12 in.) Rear wheel travel: 315mm (12.4 in.) The serial number began JH2PE0207EC300001. | Buy from
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 Clymer: Honda CR250R-500R Pro-Link, 1981-1987 | | | |
 | The CR500R'85 was sold in 1985 in Flash Red. The "500" decal was red andblue. The seat, forkboots, and shock springs were blue. The number plate panels were yellow. The wheel rims weresilver. Thecarburetor used a flat slide. The rear brake was a drum, a disc was not there until 1987. The rearsection of theframe was detachable. The engine was a 491cc 2-stroke liquid cooled reed valve single cylinderlinked to a 5-speed transmission. The serial number began JH2PE020*FC400001 | Buy from
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 Clymer: Honda CR250R-500R Pro-Link, 1981-1987 | | | |
 | The CR500R'86 was sold in 1986 in Flash Red. The "500" tank shroud decalwas red with a whiteoutline. The wheel rims were gold anodized. The front forks had cartridge damper assemblies.The seat, forkboots, and shock springs were blue. The number plate panels were yellow. The rear section of theframe wasdetachable. The carburetor used a flat slide. The rear brake was a drum, a disc was not there until1987. Theengine was a 491cc 2-stroke liquid cooled reed valve single cylinder linked to a 5-speedtransmission. The serialnumber began JH2PE020*GC500018 | Buy from
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 Clymer: Honda CR250R-500R Pro-Link, 1981-1987 | | | |
 | The CR500R'87 was sold in 1987 in Flash Red. The "500" tank shroud decalwas solid white. The seat,fork boots, and shock springs were blue. The number plate panels were yellow. The wheel rimswere goldanodized. The front forks had cartridge damper assemblies. The rear brakes were disc. The rearsection of theframe was detachable. The carburetor used a flat slide. The engine was a 491cc 2-stroke liquidcooled reed valvesingle cylinder linked to a 5-speed transmission. The serial number began JH2PE020*HC600001 | Buy from
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 Clymer: Honda CR250R-500R Pro-Link, 1981-1987 | | | |
 | The CR500R'88 was sold in 1988 in Fighting Red. The "CR500" and wingdecals on the tank shroudwere solid white. The seat and fork boots were red. The wheel rims were silver. The front forkshad cartridgedamper assemblies. The rear section of the frame was detachable. The rear brakes were disc. Thecarburetor useda flat slide. The engine was a 491cc 2-stroke liquid cooled reed valve single cylinder linked to a5-speedtransmission. The serial number began JH2PE020*JM700001 | Buy from
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 Clymer: Honda CR250R - CR500R 1988-1996 | | | |
 | The CR500R'89 was sold in 1989 in Fighting Red. The gas tank shroudsported a new style wing insolid white. The "CR" logo was found on the side of the seat. The front forks featured invertedcartridge type.The rear section of the frame was detachable. The engine was a 491cc 2-stroke liquid cooled reedvalve singlecylinder linked to a 5-speed transmission. The serial number began JH2PE020*KM800001 | Buy from
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 Clymer: Honda CR250R - CR500R 1988-1996 | | | |
 | The CR500R'90 was sold in 1990 in Flash Red with Shasta White. The "CR"logo on the tank shroudwas blue with a white outline. The frame was Shasta white. The front forks featured invertedcartridge type. Therear section of the frame was detachable. The engine was a 491cc 2-stroke liquid cooled reedvalve singlecylinder linked to a 5-speed transmission. The serial number began JH2PE020*LM900005 | Buy from
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 Clymer: Honda CR250R - CR500R 1988-1996 | | | |
 | The CR500R'91 was sold in 1991 in Flash Red with Ross White. The "CR"logo on the tank shroudwas white, yellow, and orange. The seat graphics were white. The "500R" swingarm graphicswere red. The sidepanels and rear fender have an integrated look. The frame was Ross White. The front forksfeatured invertedcartridge type. The rear section of the frame was detachable. The engine was a 491cc 2-strokeliquid cooled reedvalve single cylinder linked to a 5-speed transmission. The serial number beganJH2PE020*MM000006 | Buy from
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 Clymer: Honda CR250R - CR500R 1988-1996 | | | |
 | The CR500R'92 was sold in 1992 in Nuclear Red with Shasta White. The gastank and air box coverwere white. The "CR" logo on the tank shroud was white with a blue outline. The frame wasRoss White. Therear section of the frame was detachable. The engine was a 491cc 2-stroke liquid cooled reedvalve singlecylinder linked to a 5-speed transmission. The serial number began JH2PE020*NM100006 | Buy from
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 Clymer: Honda CR250R - CR500R 1988-1996 | | | |
 | The CR500R'93 was sold in 1993 in Nuclear Red with Shasta White. The"CR" logo on the tankshroud was blue with a white outline. The red color is a deeper red. The frame was Ross White.The rear sectionof the frame was detachable. The engine was a 491cc 2-stroke liquid cooled reed valve singlecylinder linked toa 5-speed transmission. The serial number began JH2PE020*PM200005 | Buy from
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 Clymer: Honda CR250R - CR500R 1988-1996 | | | |
 | The CR500R'94 was sold in 1994 in Nuclear Red with Shasta White. Thecolor of the engine was nowsilver. The "CR" tank shroud graphic was redesigned so that it was fluorescent yellow outlined inpurple on a redbackground. The "500R" graphic on the swingarm was outlined in purple. The rear section of theframe wasdetachable. The engine was a 491cc 2-stroke liquid cooled reed valve single cylinder linked to a5-speedtransmission. The serial number began JH2PE020*RM300005 | Buy from
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 Clymer: Honda CR250R - CR500R 1988-1996 | | | |
 | The CR500R'95 was sold in 1995 in Nuclear Red with Shasta White. The"CR" graphic on the tankshroud was redesigned again in fluorescent yellow outlined in red on a purple background. Theseat was purplewith a white "HONDA" logo. The "500R" graphic on the swingarm was in fluorescent yellowoutlined in purple.The rear section of the frame was detachable. The engine was a 491cc 2-stroke liquid cooled reedvalve singlecylinder linked to a 5-speed transmission. The serial number began JH2PE020*SM400001 | Buy from
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 Clymer: Honda CR250R - CR500R 1988-1996 | | | |
 | The CR500R'96 was sold in 1996 in Nuclear Red with Shasta White andBlack. The front fork had a46mm inverted Kayaba cartridge. The "CR" logo on the tank shroud was fluorescent yellowoutlined in red on apurple background. The rear section of the frame was detachable. The engine was a 491cc2-stroke liquid cooledreed valve single cylinder linked to a 5-speed transmission. The serial number beganJH2PE020*TM500001 | Buy from
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 Clymer: Honda CR250R - CR500R 1988-1996 | | | |
 | The CR500R'97 was sold in 1997 in Nuclear Red. The graphics were newlyredesigned. The frontfender was red while the rear fender was white. The rear section of the frame was detachable.The engine was a491cc 2-stroke liquid cooled reed valve single cylinder linked to a 5-speed transmission. Theserial number beganJH2PE020*VM600001 |  | The CR500R'98 was sold in 1998 in Nuclear Red with Ross White. Againthere was new graphics. Therear section of the frame was detachable. The engine was a 491cc 2-stroke liquid cooled reedvalve singlecylinder linked to a 5-speed transmission. The serial number beganJH2PE020*WM700001 | | | | | | | | | | | | | |