|  | The XR600R'85 was sold in 1985 in Flash Red. The seat, fork boots, andshock springs were blue. The number plate panels were yellow. The engine was black. Thewheels were silver. The tank decals were red, white, and blue. The L.C.D. digital enduro meterwas standard. The engine was a 591cc OHC RFVC dry sump single cylinder with 2 carburetorsand 2 head pipes. The transmission was a 5-speed. The serial number beganJH2PE040*FK000001 | Buy from
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 Clymer Honda XL/XR 500 650 Singles 1979 - 1997 | | | |
 | The XR600R'86 was sold in 1986 in one color: Flash Red. The tank decalswere white and red. The wheel rims were gold anodized. The seat, fork boots, and shock springswere blue. The number plate panels were yellow. The L.C.D. digital enduro meter was standard.The engine was a 591cc OHC RFVC dry sump single cylinder with 2 carburetors and 2 headpipes. The transmission was a 5-speed. The serial number began JH2PE040*GK100001 | Buy from
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 Clymer Honda XL/XR 500 650 Singles 1979 - 1997 | | | |
 | The XR600R'87 was sold in 1987 in Flash Red with Shasta White. The gastank and number platepanels were red. The fenders, side covers, frame, headlight cowl, and hand guards were white.The seat, forkboots, and shock springs were blue. The engine and wheels were silver. The analog speedometerwas standard.The serial number began JH2PE040*HK200001 | Buy from
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 Clymer Honda XL/XR 500 650 Singles 1979 - 1997 | | | |
 | The XR600R'88 was sold in 1988 in Flash Red with Shasta White. The gastank, side covers, rearfender, and fork boots were red. The front number plate panel was also red; but the side coverpanels werewhite. The front fender, frame, headlight cowl, and handguards were white. There was only onecarburetor andtwo stainless steel head pipes into one muffler. The cylinder was Nikasil® plated cylindersand anauto-decompression starting system. The serial number began JH2PE040*JK300001 | Buy from
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 Clymer Honda XL/XR 500 650 Singles 1979 - 1997 | | | |
 | The XR600R'89 was sold in 1989 in Flash Red with Shasta White. The frontand rear fenders werered. There was a new style wing logo on the gas tank. The "XR" logo was on the red seat. Theserial numberbegan JH2PE040*KK400001 | Buy from
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 Clymer Honda XL/XR 500 650 Singles 1979 - 1997 | | | |
 | The XR600R'90 was sold in 1990 in Flash Red with Shasta White. The tank,seat, and fork boots werered. The fenders, frame, and handguards were white. The "600R" logo and side cover panel wereblue. The"Pro-Link" swingarm decal was in red outline. The serial number began JH2PE040*LK500001 | Buy from
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 Clymer Honda XL/XR 500 650 Singles 1979 - 1997 | | | |
 | The XR600R'91 was sold in 1991 in Shasta White with Rainbow Blue. Theseat was red but the forkboots and side cover panels were blue. The "XR" logo was red and blue. The bike had a black,non-stainless2-into-1 header pipe. The front fork featured a cartridge-type suspension. The rear brake was adisc. Ahi-performance power-up kit was available. The serial number began JH2PE040*MK600008 | Buy from
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 Clymer Honda XL/XR 500 650 Singles 1979 - 1997 | | | |
 | The XR600R'92 was sold in 1992 in Shasta White with Rainbow Blue. Thegas tank and seat receivednew graphics. The footpegs were wider in the CR-style. The front fork featured a cartridge-typesuspension. Therearbrake was a disc. A hi-performance power-up kit was available. The serial number beganJH2PE040*NM700004 | Buy from
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 Clymer Honda XL/XR 500 650 Singles 1979 - 1997 | | | |
 | The XR600R'93 was sold in 1993 in Shasta White with Rainbow blue. Thegas tank and seat receivednew graphics. The front fork featured a cartridge-type suspension. The rearbrake was a disc. A hi-performance power-up kit was available. The serial number beganJH2PE040*PM800001 | Buy from
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 Clymer Honda XL/XR 500 650 Singles 1979 - 1997 | | | |
 | The XR600R'94 was sold in 1994 in Shasta White with Capri Blue. Thegraphics were redesignedagain so that the "XR" on the tank was blue, outlined in red and the "HONDA" was red. Thefront fork featureda cartridge-type suspension. The rearbrake was a disc. A hi-performance power-up kit was available. The serial number beganJH2PE040*RM900001 | Buy from
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 Clymer Honda XL/XR 500 650 Singles 1979 - 1997 | | | |
 | The XR600R'95 was sold in 1995 in Shasta White with Uranus Violet. Thegraphics were redesignedagain so that the "XR" was red with a violet outline. The "HONDA" was violet. The front forkfeatured acartridge-type suspension. The rearbrake was a disc. A hi-performance power-up kit was available. The serial number beganJH2PE040*SM000001 | Buy from
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 Clymer Honda XL/XR 500 650 Singles 1979 - 1997 | | | |
 | The XR600R'96 was sold in 1996 in Shasta White with Uranus Violet. Thelogos were redesignedagain. The "XR" was white outlined in red on a violet background. The "HONDA" was white.The seat was atwo-tone red and violet. The front fork featured a cartridge-type suspension. The rearbrake was a disc. A hi-performance power-up kit was available. The serial number beganJH2PE040*TM100001 | Buy from
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 Clymer Honda XL/XR 500 650 Singles 1979 - 1997 | | | |
 | The XR600R'97 was sold in 1997 in Shasta White. The logos wereredesigned. A hi-performancepower-up kit was available. The serial numberbegan JH2PE040*VM200001 | Buy from
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 Clymer Honda XL/XR 500 650 Singles 1979 - 1997 | | | |
 | The XR600R'98 was sold in 1998 in Shasta White. The graphics wereredesigned again so that the tanklogo included a Honda wing. A hi-performance power-up kit was available. The serial numberbegan JH2PE040*WM300001 | Buy from
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 Clymer Honda XL/XR 500 650 Singles 1979 - 1997 | | | |
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