|  | The CB750K0 Four was sold from 1969 to 1970 and was available inone of three colors: Candy BlueGreen, Candy Gold, or Candy Ruby Red. The tank, side covers, and upper forkswere of the basic color (green,gold, or red). The headlight shell was also the basic color. The bike had a4-into-4 throttle cable system. Theexhaust system was a 4-into-4. The engine was a 736cc SOHC 2-valve drysump inline 4 cylinder linked to a5-speed transmission and chain drive. The serial number beganCB750-1000001. | The CB750K1 Four was sold from 1970-71 and was available in oneof four colors: Candy Ruby Red,Candy Gold, Valley Green Metallic, or Candy Garnet Brown. The gas tankstripe was gold. The tank, sidecovers, and upper forks were of the basic color (red, gold, green, or brown). Theside covers were smaller andthere were no slots on the leading edge. There was a two-throttle cable system(pull open and pull closed). Theheadlight shell was also the basic color. The exhaust system was a 4-into-4. Theengine was a 736cc SOHC2-valve dry sump inline 4 cylinder linked to a 5-speed transmission and chaindrive. The serial number beganCB750-1044650. | The CB750K2 Four was sold in 1972 and was available in one ofthree colors: Brier Brown Metallic,Flake sunrise Orange, or Candy Gold. The gas tank stripe was gold. The sidecovers were smaller than the K0model and there were no slots on the leading edge. The upper forks werechrome. The headlight shell was black.The taillight and side reflectors were larger. There was a two-throttle cablesystem (pull open and pull closed).The exhaust system was a 4-into-4. The engine was a 736cc SOHC 2-valve drysump inline 4 cylinder linked toa 5-speed transmission and chain drive. The serial number beganCB750-2000001. | The CB750K3 Four was sold in 1973 and was available in one ofthree colors: Flake Sunrise Orange,Candy Bucchus Olive, or Maxim Brown Metallic. The gas tank stripes werewhite, gold and black. The sidecovers were smaller than the K0 model and there were no slots on the leadingedge. The upper forks werechrome. The headlight shell was black. The taillight and side reflectors werelarger than the K1 model. Therewas a two-throttle cable system (pull open and pull closed). The exhaust systemwas a 4-into-4. The engine wasa 736cc SOHC 2-valve dry sump inline 4 cylinder linked to a 5-speedtransmission and chain drive. The serialnumber began CB750-2200001. | The CB750K4 Four was sold in 1974 and was available in one ofthree colors: Flake Sunrise Orange,Freedom Green Metallic, or Boss Maroon Metallic. The gas tank stripes werewhite, gold and black. The sidecovers were smaller than the K0 model and there were no slots on the leadingedge. The speedometer showedincrements of 20 (i.e., 20, 40, 60, 80, etc.). The upper forks were chrome. Thewhite tank pinstripe was widerthan the K3 model. The headlight shell was black. The taillight and sidereflectors were larger than the K1model. There was a two-throttle cable system (pull open and pull closed). Theexhaust system was a 4-into-4.The engine was a 736cc SOHC 2-valve dry sump inline 4 cylinder linked to a5-speed transmission and chaindrive. The serial number began CB750-2300001. | The CB750K5 Four was sold in 1975 and was available in one of twocolors: Planet Blue Metallic orFlake Apricot Red. The instrument faces were dark green. The speedometernumbers were increments of 10 (i.e.,10, 20, 30, 40, etc.). The side covers were smaller than the K0 model and therewere no slots on the leadingedge. The upper forks were chrome. The white tank pinstripe was wider than theK3 model. The headlight shellwas black. The taillight and side reflectors were larger than the K1 model. Therewas a two-throttle cable system(pull open and pull closed). The exhaust system was a 4-into-4. The engine wasa 736cc SOHC 2-valve drysump inline 4 cylinder linked to a 5-speed transmission and chain drive. Theserial number beganCB750-2500001. | The CB750K'76 Four was sold in 1976 and was available in onecolor: Candy Antares Red. Theinstrument faces were light green. The side covers were smaller than the K0model and there were no slots onthe leading edge. The upper forks were chrome. The white tank pinstripe waswider than the K3 model. Theheadlight shell was black. The taillight and side reflectors were larger than theK1 model. There was atwo-throttle cable system (pull open and pull closed). The exhaust system was a4-into-4. The engine was a736cc SOHC 2-valve dry sump inline 4 cylinder linked to a 5-speedtransmission and chain drive. The serialnumber began CB750-2540001. | The CB750K'77 Four K was sold in 1977 and was available in one oftwo colors: Candy Alpha Red orExcel Black. The gas tank stripe was gold with a white and red pinstripe. The"750 FOUR K" side coveremblem was gold. There was a two-throttle cable system (pull open and pullclosed). The exhaust system was a4-into-4. The engine was a 736cc SOHC 2-valve dry sump inline 4 cylinderlinked to a 5-speed transmission andchain drive. The serial number began CB750-2700009. | The CB750K'78 Four K was sold in 1978 and was available in one oftwo colors: Candy Alpha Red orExcel Black. The gas tank stripe was gold with a gold and red pinstripe. The"750 FOUR" side cover emblemwas a graphic design. There was a "K" side cover decal and stripe. The seat iscontoured in a two-stage design.There was a two-throttle cable system (pull open and pull closed). The exhaustsystem was a 4-into-4. Theengine was a 736cc SOHC 2-valve dry sump inline 4 cylinder linked to a5-speed transmission and chain drive.The serial number began CB750-2800001. | The CB750K'79 Four K was sold in 1979 and was available in one ofthree colors: Candy Muse Red,Candy Bayard Brown, or Black. The taillight lens was a wraparound unit with apainted cowling. The exhaustsystem was a 4-into-4. The speedometer had a 150 mph (240 kph) limit. Theengine was a 749cc DOHC 4-valveinline four cylinder linked to a 5-speed transmission. The serial number beganRC01-2000001. | The CB750K'79 Limited Edition was sold in 1979 and was availablein one color scheme: Candy MuseRed with Red. The gas tank and side covers were 2-tone. The wheels wereblack comstar. There was a separatetaillight assembly with the 1978 style lens. The "10th ANNIVERSARYCB750K" side cover emblem was goldand green. The engine was a 749cc DOHC 4-valve inline four cylinder linked toa 5-speed transmission. Theserial number began RC01-3000006. | The CB750K'80 Four K was sold in 1980 and was available in one oftwo colors: Candy Muse Red orExcel Black. There was a separate taillight assembly with a chrome bracket. Thespeedometer had a 85 mph (135kph) limit. The engine was a 749cc DOHC 4-valve inline four cylinder linked toa 5-speed transmission. Theserial number began RC01-2100005. | The CB750K'81 Four K was sold in 1981 and was available in one oftwo colors: Candy Muse Red orCosmo Black Metallic. The speedometer had a 85 mph (135 kph) limit. The4-into-4 mufflers had a newmegaphone design. The front forks were air-adjustable. The engine was a 749ccDOHC 4-valve inline fourcylinder linked to a 5-speed transmission. The serial number beganJH2RC010*BM200001. | The CB750K'82 Four K was sold in 1982 and was available in onecolor: Candy Imperial Blue. Thespeedometer had a 85 mph (135 kph) limit. The front forks were air-adjustable.The front disc brakes wereslotted with twin piston calipers. The 4-into-4 mufflers had a megaphone design. The engine was a 749ccDOHC 4-valve inline four cylinder linked to a 5-speed transmission. The serialnumber beganJH2RC010*CM300003. | | | | | | | | | | | | | |