|  | The VF700F'84 Interceptor was sold in 1984 in one of two color schemes: Shasta White with CandyAleutian Blue and Candy Red or Shasta White with Candy Bourgogne Red and Candy Blue. The white and bluemodel had red stripes and a red and orange wing and "HONDA" decal while the white and red bike had bluestripes. The engine was a 699cc DOHC 4-valve liquid-cooled V4 linked to a 5-speed. It had chain drive. Theserial number began JH2RC230*EM000001 | The VF700F'85 Interceptor was sold in 1985 in one of two available color schemes: Candy AleutianBlue with Shasta White and Candy Red or Candy Alamoana Red with Shasta White and Candy Blue. The whiteand blue bike had red stripes; but the white and red bike had blue stripes. The white and blue bike had a silverand white Honda wing and "HONDA". The serial number began JH2RC230*FM100003. | The VFR700F'86 Interceptor was sold in 1986 in just one color scheme: Fighting Red with ShastaWhite and Candy Aleutian Blue. The fairing and body work were 3-tone. The front fender was red. Thespeedometer, tachometer, and fuel gauge were round. The "VFR" fairing logo was white on red. The engine wasa 698cc DOHC 4-valve liquid-cooled V-4 linked to a 6-speed transmission. The serial number beganJH2RC260*GM000001. | The VFR700F2'86 Interceptor was sold in 1986 in one color: Pearl Crescent White. All the body work,wheels, mirrors, and turnsignals were white. The speedometer, tachometer, and fuel gauge was in squared offpods. The "HONDA", "VCR", and "INTERCEPTOR" decals were gold. The seat color was blue. The engine wasa 698cc DOHC 4-valve liquid-cooled V-4 linked to a 6-speed transmission. The serial number began JH2RC260*GM000001. | The VFR700F2'87 was sold in 1987 in one of two color schemes: Candy Wave Blue with Silver orPearl Crescent White. On the blue bike, the knee area, seat, wheels, and decals are all silver. On the white bike,all the body work, wheels, mirrors, and turnsignals were white except for the seat which was black. The bike hada digital ignition system. The speedometer, tachometer, and fuel gauge was in squared off pods. The "HONDA","VCR", and "INTERCEPTOR" decals were gold. The engine was a 698cc DOHC 4-valve liquid-cooled V-4 linked to a 6-speed transmission. The serial number began JH2RC262*HM105001. | | | | |